Adult Sunday School/Small Groups

Jesus calls each of us to follow Him on a journey of faith through which we become more and more like Him in our beliefs, character, and actions.  Salem’s Adult Spiritual Formation ministry provides opportunities for adults to understand where they are on their journey of faith and ways to take the next steps in becoming like Jesus.
Salem provides opportunities grow in Christ though our adult Sunday School classes, which meet at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings, our adult growth groups and women’s mentor groups, which meet monthly in women’s homes at various times.
Salem’s Adult Spiritual Formation Ministry helps people to understand how God has uniquely designed and gifted them with special passions, gifts, abilities, and personalities in order for them to serve him.  Once people discover their unique design, we help link them to ministries at church and in the community where they will enjoy and be most effective in ministry.
Sunday Mornings, 10:30 AM
Wednesday Evenings
God’s Glorifiers

To present the full council of God’s word as an integrated message system from Genesis to Revelation to apply this message as a love letter from Jesus Christ who is on every page directly or indirectly. We desire to make changes in our lives that a reflection of what we study.

Our social activities are designed to bring us closer together to one another. Our mission activities are designed to be the reflections of Jesus Christ. Current Study is the Book of Revelation.

Christ’s Ambassadors
The Christ Ambassadors Sunday School Class meets in the sanctuary with a lecture format. The book Probing the Parables by Bob Conway will be the source of lessons beginning in September 2022. A student edition of the book will allow students to review the lesson in preparation for class or during class to guide in the review of scripture.  Bill Nye, Geoff Taylor, Bob Conway, and Faye Gaugler alternate as the teachers. Class members strive to deepen their Christian walk through Bible study and prayer. Monthly luncheons provide an opportunity for social interaction with class members.
Digging Deeper
A class where we get together to study God’s Word.  We have a few people who take turns to teach.  We teach Bible Studies and Christian topics.  We plan for many discussions on the topics and Bible Studies we teach. We try, as a class, to dig deeper into the lessons.  We have fun in class together and pray for each other every week.  We try to get together as a class a few times during the year, outside of the classroom.
Prayer Group-6:30 pm

Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer is our connection with God.”  Each week when our Prayer Group meets in the Sanctuary, we connect with God, standing on the promise in His Word in Matthew 18:20, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

We start out by going over the list of praises and prayer requests that have been submitted by our church family. We then have a short devotional followed by a worship song in order to prepare our hearts before we go to God in prayer.

We all believe that prayer is powerful, prayer reaches the heart of God, and prayer in the hands of a loving God can do great and might things. We’d love for you to join us.
Grow Group-6:15pm
Starting September 7, we will dig into the 2nd book of Dennis Miller’s “Grow in His Word” series as we turn to the Poets and Prophets of the Old Testament. In book one we examined the history of God’s chosen people. In book 2, we will look at the writings that help us fill in the picture, from the meaning of suffering, to the beauty of the Psalms; from the prophetic glances of the future, to the condemnation of those who rejected the Lord’s leading. Join us on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 7:30pm and see God’s story unfold!

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who understand what you are going through and want to help.

They will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Thousands of GriefShare support groups meet weekly around the world.

You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

Join our group at Salem Church anytime.

Every Wed 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Ezekiel is the “sleeper” of the Major Prophets.  It is not an easy book.  Ezekiel is unique because he reveals the near and distant future with wild, weird, and wonderful acted out signs, visions of the LORD’s glory, predictions, similitudes, parables, proverbs, and allegories.  The book is structured  around “Know that I am the LORD” (54 times) and His Glory (18 times). When combined Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation unlock God’s plans for Christ’s return and the Millennial Temple.  Come, bring your Bible, and be prepared to dig deep!  

Meet at Other Times and Locations