Pete’s Pantry
Pete’s Pantry is designed to help meet the needs of those persons in the church and the community who are hungry and don’t have sufficient food to eat. Following Jesus’ example in Matthew 25:35-40, we make every effort to meet the immediate needs of those who present themselves to us with food, beverages and loving care. We make referrals to assist in meeting other needs as deemed necessary for our brothers and sisters.
For those who need a little help with food, the rules are fairly simple:
You must be living in Franklin county (if not, we can direct you to a pantry in your community)
You need to fill out two simple forms, a ‘declaration of need’ and a ‘household registration.’ We can help you fill these out. You will need proof of residency, and of income.
You are only allowed to receive food once per month.
Hours of operations are: Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am to 1 pm, the 3rd Wednesday each month 2 pm to 6 pm.
So, if you need food – or if you like to serve those who do need food with a loving, generous non-judgmental spirit, this ministry may be for you!
*Pete’s Pantry will be closed when Chambersburg School District is closed for weather related reasons
**Pete’s Pantry will be closed on the following holidays
New Year’s Day,
Memorial Day,
July 4th,
Labor Day,
Christmas eve and
Christmas Day